
What Makes a Warrior?

I have written many training articles and trained many individuals who I hope never need the tactics and strategies that I have shown.  I often wonder while pondering and reminiscing of old times hoping that I told each student everything that I knew or have shown them the details of the tactics necessary to subdue…

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Jail Site Checks

Most jail facilities perform prisoner sight checks by visual, verbal or video monitors. The most affective way to perform a sight check is by visual, physical and verbal verification. Some jail standards require that sight checks be performed every hour. In one hour, a lot can happen. In my career on some occasions, sight checks…

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Covert Operations, Fairhope

Roger Bull is a veteran sergeant with nine years experience in the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office (metropolitan New Orleans). He attended three colleges: Southeastern Louisiana University (biology, chemistry and physics), Louisiana State University Law Enforcement Institute (advanced police studies), and Holy Cross College via a grant from the Jefferson Parish District Attorney’s Office Law Enforcement…

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“… a chilling, blood curdling scream then total silence.  The only source of light goes dark.”  The audience applauds; the silence is broken by immediate conversation of the patrons as they stroll out of the six year old Magnet Theater. In the projection room, there is an anomaly that the movie-goers are unaware exits.  The…

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Reasonable Expectation of Privacy – Police Monitoring Conversations

Article I, section 12 of the Florida Constitution provides that “The right of the people to be secure … against the unreasonable interception of private communications by any means, shall not be violated.  This right shall be construed in conformity with the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution, as interpreted by the United States Supreme Court.”…

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