Covert Operations, Fairhope

Roger Bull is a veteran sergeant with nine years experience in the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office (metropolitan New Orleans). He attended three colleges: Southeastern Louisiana University (biology, chemistry and physics), Louisiana State University Law Enforcement Institute (advanced police studies), and Holy Cross College via a grant from the Jefferson Parish District Attorney’s Office Law Enforcement…

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The Bear and I

At the time of this writing I’m 57 years old: In those 57 years I’ve met and interacted with many people: Some I would classify as acquaintances, others friends. There have been a few good friends, fewer, best friends. I can, however, tell you who was the best of the best of my friends; his…

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“… a chilling, blood curdling scream then total silence.  The only source of light goes dark.”  The audience applauds; the silence is broken by immediate conversation of the patrons as they stroll out of the six year old Magnet Theater. In the projection room, there is an anomaly that the movie-goers are unaware exits.  The…

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