Homeland Security: A Needs Assessment

The State of Preparedness In June 2003, the International Association of Chiefs of Police announced the results of their Homeland Security Preparedness Survey.  The survey, sponsored by ITT Industries, was sent to more than 17,000 state and local law enforcement agencies[i].  The results of the survey were not surprising; nine out of ten law enforcement…

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National Response Plan

National Response Plan:  The Local Perspective             The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) promotes the National Response Plan (NRP) as a comprehensive all-hazards approach to enhance the ability of the United States to manage domestic incidents[i].  However, the federal, state and local response to Katrina should have every first responder asking serious questions.              Earlier…

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Since September 11, 2001 the citizens of the United States have been introduced to a type of warfare that they are not very familiar with and not altogether comfortable being involved in. We are now facing groups of individuals who operate in a manner that is concealed, motivated and group-serving. They show themselves at will…

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Lessons Learned Overseas

While the United States has not experienced a major terrorist attack since September 11, 2001, there have been continual terrorist attacks around the globe.  According to the National Counter Terrorism Centers (NCTC) Worldwide Incident Tracking System (WITS)[i], during 2004 there were only five terrorist incidents in the US (accounting for one injury).  Conversely, during the same time period there were 3,192 terrorist incidents worldwide, resulting in…

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Terry Nichols

Terry Lynn Nichols (born April 1, 1955) was a U.S. Army veteran who was convicted of being an accomplice to Timothy McVeigh, the man convicted of murder in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S, April 19, 1995), which claimed 168 lives. Nichols was convicted of eight counts of…

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Terrorism: Crime or Asymmetrical Warfare?

Introduction             The definition of a crime dictates our response.  For instance, while responding to a robbery-in-progress call you and your partner should be formulating your tactical plans.  Indeed, as you receive more information, perhaps from dispatch, other units or air support, you change your plans based on the information.  In addition to affecting your…

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Defining Terrorism: A Difference of Opinion

In order to successfully combat terrorism around the world, there must be a universal method of identifying potential terrorists or terrorist organizations.  In order to accomplish this task, nations must come to an agreement on an objective definition of the word terrorism.  Unfortunately, many nations around the world define terrorism differently.  The lack of a common definition of terrorism may…

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