Personal Cyber Security and Rubica

According to the news release on, the increasing cyber-attacks are causing a lot of damages to individuals, companies, and government institutions. For example, the WannaCry attack, which happened in May 2017 was considered to be the worse cybercrime of all time. It was about a ransomware, which engraved itself in more than 3000000 computers in over 100 countries. The inscription of the ransomware was witnessed in other software as well. In that case, it is important that organizations respond to such kind of attacks by adopting suitable cyber security methods. Investing in cyber security is important because of the increasing cyber threats, the severity of the attacks, and future outlook of business organizations is compromised.

Since 2013, cyber threats have been increasing every year, and the cost of preventing cybercrimes has quadrupled – with the highest cost ranging between $400 billion and $500 billion. The cost of curbing cyber threats is projected to reach $6 trillion by 2021. This will include protection from loss of productivity, data damage, embezzlement, fraud, interference with an investigation, and stealing of intellectual properties. It is not only about the increasing number of cyber security attacks, but the degree of these kinds of attack as well. They are becoming progressively destructive, and even politicians are not safe anymore.

 For the future outlook of business activities, cybersecurity is an area that requires commitment. Therefore, organizations are required to respond accordingly. However, there are still cases of the struggle between limited funding and increased human needs. The hope of recognizing the significance of cyber security is in the hands of government institutions, companies, and charitable organizations.

About Rubica
Rubica is the best organization that can help you with the solutions to problems that comes with personal cyber security. The organization exists to protect individuals and corporate world as well. As an organization, Rubica can provide full cyber security that protects all of your devices, no matter the location you want to use them. With Rubica, you will never be worried about your personal cyber security. Rubica has a team of cyber security professionals that can monitor your daily activities. Their objective is to keep you safe from cyber criminals.

Rubica was founded in 2016 as a private company. It currently has more than 20 employees who believe in the power of personal cyber security. Restoring safety should be a number priority in the digital world. In that case, Rubica is a secure and private network organization that can provide you with elite cyber experts.

The elite cyber security team of Rubica is based in the United States of America. The team also include experts who previously worked with top security organizations such as Scotland Yard, US Navy, and NSA. These experts believe that personal cyber security is also important like any other security. To meet the growing demand for cyber security, Rubica is funded by top technology investors such as Expa Labs, Slow Ventures, Upfront Ventures, and Lerer Hippeau Ventures.

Regarding partnership, Rubica also works with investment groups, leading financial service providers, insurance companies, and legal firms. Each person that work in these organizations is in need of personal cyber security. Rubica offers varieties of cyber security measures based on the agreements with its partners. Therefore, security experts of Rubica are happy to speak about the importance of personal cyber security and digital privacy.

As the leading provider of personal cyber security, Rubica is sophisticated with its operation. It operates secretly using background applications. The applications only alert you if there are actions to be performed. With Rubica, you should be confident about your online privacy and safety.